November 2024 Services
For general information about the services at St Michael's please see the Services Overview page.
The 9.30am Parish Communion service is held in the church building, is open to all to attend, and will also be live-streamed as shown below.
The 8.00am Communion Service is held in the church building.
The 11.15am Family Service is held in the church building. We are not currently live-streaming this service
The 10.30am Church Together Service is held in the Pastoral Centre. The service is informal in style, geared for people of all ages, and offers a choice of activities to explore the theme.
The 8.00am Communion Service is held in the church building.
The 11.15am Family Service is held in the church building. We are not currently live-streaming this service
The 10.30am Church Together Service is held in the Pastoral Centre. The service is informal in style, geared for people of all ages, and offers a choice of activities to explore the theme.
Administration of Communion: We recently followed the vast majority of other Anglican churches in this country by re-instating the common cup as the normal method of receiving wine at communion, but have also continued for the present to offer intincted wafers as an alternative for those who for a variety of reasons don’t feel ready yet to go back to the common cup. Following a directive from the Bishop, we will be ceasing this in January 2025.
If you need a gluten-free wafer, please ask as you come up to receive.
If you need a gluten-free wafer, please ask as you come up to receive.
Live streaming of services is now both on Facebook ( and also on YouTube:
The Facebook post can be viewed immediately after the event; the Youtube video takes a few hours to be available after the service has finished.
The Facebook post can be viewed immediately after the event; the Youtube video takes a few hours to be available after the service has finished.
Sunday 3 November
8.00am Holy Communion In church 9.30am Parish Communion (Traditional) In church and live-streamed Topic & Readings:
"The Raising of Lazarus" Isaiah 25:6-9 John 11:32-44
Sunday 3 November
11.15am Family Service In Church Topic & Reading:
"All Saints" Sunday 3 November
6.30pm Contemplative Evening Prayer In church Topic: "The Saints"
Sunday 10 November
8.00am Holy Communion In church 9.30am Parish Communion (Informal) In church and live-streamed Topic & Readings:
"Swords and Ploughshares" Micah 4:1-5 Mark 13:1-8
Sunday 10 November
10.55 Act of Remembrance at Sandhurst Park War Memorial |
Sunday 17 November
8.00am Holy Communion In church 9.30am Parish Communion (Reflective) In church and live-streamed Topic & Readings:
"The Power of Repentance" Jonah 3:1-10 Mark 1:14-20
Sunday 17 November
11.15am Family Service In Church Topic & Reading:
"Saying Sorry" Jonah (extracts) Sunday 17 November
NO evening ervice |
Sunday 24 November
8.00am Holy Communion In church and live-streamed Topic & Readings:
"Jesus is King" Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 John 18:33-37
Sunday 24 November
10.30am Church Together Service Pastoral Centre Topic and readings:
"Jesus is King" John 18:33-37 Sunday 24 November
6.30pm Contemplative Evening Prayer In church Topic: "Waiting in Hope"