Hymns For the 800th Anniversary
During the Anniversary Celebrations we will be publishing articles about one or two of the hymns used during services each month. Full details will be given here on this page, and also in the monthly newsletters, although the latter may be shortened owing to space limitations.
Please take the opportunity to reflect on the hymns and the story associated with them. Some months, there will be questions in the story for you to reflect on.
Please take the opportunity to reflect on the hymns and the story associated with them. Some months, there will be questions in the story for you to reflect on.
Hymns September 2019
This month, the two hymns are very different, one old hymn and one new.
Christ the Fair Glory of the Holy Angels
This hymn which is frequently sung at Michaelmas was composed by Rabanus Maurus (776-856). It was written for the early morning service (or office) of “Lauds”. Rabanus Maurus was born of noble parents at Mainz, he became a director of a school at the Benedictine Abbey before being ordained priest and later Archbishop. He wrote extensive biblical commentaries and other works which circulated widely during the Middle Ages. Some of his poems, with English translations, are in Helen Waddell's Mediaeval Latin Lyrics.
The hymn refers to three archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The Archangel Michael which is beautifully depicted both in our rose window and in one of the wall paintings in the chancel and appears in both the books of Daniel and Revelation in the bible. In Revelation, he is a warrior who throws Satan out of heaven. Archangel Gabriel is probably best known for telling Mary that she is going to be the mother of Jesus. (There are three depictions of Gabriel in the church, one in stained glass and two in paintings). Archangel Raphael (along with Archangel Uriel) are found in the Apocrypha (those additional books at the end of the Old Testament which are only in some versions). Raphael is found in the book of Tobit where he accompanies Tobias (son of Tobit) on a journey.
For a depiction of Raphael, please look at the first angel to the right of the high Altar.
In Christ Alone
In Christ Alone was written in 2002 and was a collaborative effort between Stuart Townend and Keith Getty. They met at a worship event in the autumn of 2000 and resolved to work together on some songs. The tune came first to Keith Getty which in turn inspired Stuart Townend in this song; both are motivated by capturing biblical truth in songs and hymns which both help people express their worship in church but also build them up in their Christian lives. This song has helped people though incredibly difficult times. One e-mail which was received by Stuart Townend described how a U.S soldier serving in Iraq would pray through each verse of the song every day, and how the promises of God’s protection and grace helped to sustain him through the enormous pressures and dangers of life in a war zone.
Christ the Fair Glory of the Holy Angels
This hymn which is frequently sung at Michaelmas was composed by Rabanus Maurus (776-856). It was written for the early morning service (or office) of “Lauds”. Rabanus Maurus was born of noble parents at Mainz, he became a director of a school at the Benedictine Abbey before being ordained priest and later Archbishop. He wrote extensive biblical commentaries and other works which circulated widely during the Middle Ages. Some of his poems, with English translations, are in Helen Waddell's Mediaeval Latin Lyrics.
The hymn refers to three archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The Archangel Michael which is beautifully depicted both in our rose window and in one of the wall paintings in the chancel and appears in both the books of Daniel and Revelation in the bible. In Revelation, he is a warrior who throws Satan out of heaven. Archangel Gabriel is probably best known for telling Mary that she is going to be the mother of Jesus. (There are three depictions of Gabriel in the church, one in stained glass and two in paintings). Archangel Raphael (along with Archangel Uriel) are found in the Apocrypha (those additional books at the end of the Old Testament which are only in some versions). Raphael is found in the book of Tobit where he accompanies Tobias (son of Tobit) on a journey.
For a depiction of Raphael, please look at the first angel to the right of the high Altar.
In Christ Alone
In Christ Alone was written in 2002 and was a collaborative effort between Stuart Townend and Keith Getty. They met at a worship event in the autumn of 2000 and resolved to work together on some songs. The tune came first to Keith Getty which in turn inspired Stuart Townend in this song; both are motivated by capturing biblical truth in songs and hymns which both help people express their worship in church but also build them up in their Christian lives. This song has helped people though incredibly difficult times. One e-mail which was received by Stuart Townend described how a U.S soldier serving in Iraq would pray through each verse of the song every day, and how the promises of God’s protection and grace helped to sustain him through the enormous pressures and dangers of life in a war zone.