Saturday Club
This is a group of volunteers who meet on the second Saturday of every month to tackle jobs around the church and pastoral centre to keep the buildings in good order. People with a DIY bent, or who just want to help are more than welcome. If you would like to help, please e-mail or telephone the Parish Office, tel, 01252 873030.
The congregation of our church has among its membership people of every discipline and expertise. There is no talent that we cannot use to the well being of our community.
The congregation of our church has among its membership people of every discipline and expertise. There is no talent that we cannot use to the well being of our community.
Churchyard Maintenance
There is a dedicated band of people who cut the grass in the churchyard using modern motorised equipment. There is always room for more volunteers, reducing individual workloads.
If you would like to help, please e-mail or telephone the Parish Office, tel, 01252 873030.
If you would like to help, please e-mail or telephone the Parish Office, tel, 01252 873030.