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What actually happened 2000 years ago in Bethlehem? What was the historical situation? And what does it mean for us today? The series of three meetings with documentary film begin Monday evening 28th December online and Tuesday evening 29th December in person. Another group will start the course on Tuesday 6th December. For more information, see flyer below. Or contact the Church office if you'd like to join.
Welcome to the Website of St Michael and All Angels Church, Sandhurst, Berkshire
Welcome by Rev John Castle, Rector

St Michael’s is a community of people who worship God together, and who want to know God better and serve him better in our daily lives.
People come to our church for all sorts of reasons - at major life events such as marriage, christenings, bereavement, to find God and his purpose for their lives or to get involved in a local Christian community.
Whoever you are, we hope you'll find what you are looking for on this site, so we can help you practically, spiritually or however we can!
People come to our church for all sorts of reasons - at major life events such as marriage, christenings, bereavement, to find God and his purpose for their lives or to get involved in a local Christian community.
Whoever you are, we hope you'll find what you are looking for on this site, so we can help you practically, spiritually or however we can!
CoronaVirus UpdatesWe are taking seriously the risks posed by the virus, and following guidelines from the Government and the Church of England. The Rector and Churchwardens are making day-to-day decisions as the situation develops. For general advice, please consult www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/.
Update Tuesday evening (17th March): The Archbishops have instructed that services of public worship are not to be held, so there will be no services this Sunday at St Michael's. We are now considering the possibility of having a video or short live-streamed act or worship with sermon available for people to watch or listen to online. Alternatively, we will provide links to other church websites where you can watch or listen to worship. We are already in touch with people who use the Pastoral Centre about any cancellations of bookings. We will also be in touch with families who are due to have baptisms or weddings about the implications as they become known. Please check on this page, or on our public Facebook page to keep updated. The following events are postponed: Children's Workshop 21st March Psalmathon 28th March Afternoon Tea 2nd May Curry Night Music Through the Ages Concert 6th June If you are self-isolating and do not have a relative, neighbour or friend to help you with shopping, please make contact with the Parish Office and we will do our best to help. We ask all church members to check on neighbours and if possible give any assistance they need. The document below details our policy regarding CoronaVirus, especially as it relates to the Communion Service. ![]()
Thought for the Day - by Rev John WhiteWe are all affected by the coronavirus one way or the other, but I think we are also affected by the anxiety of what we think is in store for us, and I'm beginning to think that the more severe of the two problems is not the virus but the anxiety of it; indeed it is anxiety which is emptying the supermarket shelves.
St Paul knew about anxiety within his society, and in his letter to the Romans he faced the issue head on. In chapter 8 St Paul wrote, “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress , or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?" And he could have also said coronavirus. And his answer to those questions was an emphatic “No,” “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loves us.” The psalmist who wrote psalm 91 had no doubt either about the protection that God gives us, the psalmist wrote, “You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, because you have made the Lord your refuge and fortress, the Most High your dwelling place, no evil will befall you”. Again the first verse of psalm 27 reads, “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”. In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus gives us good advice when things begin to get on top of us. Jesus said in verse 25, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you are to eat or drink; or about your body, what you are to wear.” And at verse 34 he said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own.” May the Lord Jesus bless us and keep us safe. Amen Visiting the ChurchEveryone is welcome to come into the church, to spend some time in a quiet space away from the busy-ness of life, to take shelter from a sudden shower, or to look around; whatever the reason, you are more than welcome. We try to keep the church open as much as possible for private prayer.
If the church is locked, you can obtain a key from the office (in the centre at the bottom of the path) during office open hours. See the contact page for details. A history and guide booklet is available to buy in the church and from the office, or you can find extracts here. Hall and Meeting RoomsIn the Pastoral Centre next to the church we have a large hall and several meeting rooms available to rent on a one-off or regular basis. Details here.
800th Anniversary in 2020Details of our 800th Anniversary with information about events can be seen here.
HighlightsText and audio recording of the sermon on Psalm 96 "The Lord is King" by Sarah Ashton on Sunday morning 15th March can be found here.
The March 2020 Newsletter is available here.
March 2020 Services (with details of "hymns of the month") can be seen here.
Please Pray For . . .Sandhurst Day Centre, our Lent Appeal Charity this year. More information here.
The Sonning Deanery Prayer Cycle for March has an emphasis on the Parish of St Georges Owlsmoor. Please follow this link.
Please click on the links below. 800th Anniversary Annual Review Baptism Beating Bounds Bells - tower Bereavement CAP Money Charities Child Protection Childrens Activities Choir Churches Together in Sandhurst Churchyard maintenance Churchyard information Confirmation Contact us Creche Data Protection Deanery Diocese Events Calendar Families Guide Book Hall and Rooms Handbells History House Groups Kidz Church Lent Appeal Links Maintenance of church Map - our location Marriage Membership Money News Newsletters Prayer Reach Rectors Blog Safeguarding Sandhurst Youth Services - Current Services - Overview Social Media - bottom of this page Social Events Start Course Traidcraft Toddler Time Winspire Who's Who Young People |
I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me, Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord
Psalm 122:1
The following article by Churchwarden Emma Hodge appears on the front page of the March Newsletter.
St Michael and All Angels is a house of the Lord, and this is not just the building. The building is an outward sign that there is, and has been for the last 800 years, a Christian community in Sandhurst. A community who comes together to know God; this is not just a one-off event, instead it is a life-long commitment to know more and more about God and his son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. A community who supports and encourages one another in this quest, in all the trials that life presents each one of us.
It is also a community who comes together to serve God and to be the face of Christ here on earth and in serving Christ it is also in our lives when we are not in church, but instead when we are at work, when we are at home, as well as when we are out with family and friends.
However a community is not static, it changes, people come and go, people have different experiences which affects their faith, people’s faith grows and at St Michael’s we have a range of different services, each week, so there is always an opportunity to try something differently while this month we also have the opportunity to experience a service we no longer hold regularly, that of Choral Mattins.
Each of the services have regulars who come to those services, but many others come on a less regular basis to them, and together we make up the community that is the house of the Lord at St Michael’s.
It is also a community who comes together to serve God and to be the face of Christ here on earth and in serving Christ it is also in our lives when we are not in church, but instead when we are at work, when we are at home, as well as when we are out with family and friends.
However a community is not static, it changes, people come and go, people have different experiences which affects their faith, people’s faith grows and at St Michael’s we have a range of different services, each week, so there is always an opportunity to try something differently while this month we also have the opportunity to experience a service we no longer hold regularly, that of Choral Mattins.
Each of the services have regulars who come to those services, but many others come on a less regular basis to them, and together we make up the community that is the house of the Lord at St Michael’s.
Social Media
Find us on Facebook
http://www.facebook.com/StMichaelsSandhurst |
Follow us on Twitter (@StMichaelShurst)
https://twitter.com/#!/StMichaelShurst |
Safeguarding information can be found here.