Services - CoronaVirus
The notes below are intended as an overview of our Sunday services during these unusual times; please see the Services page for the current month for specific details.
Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion 8.00am
This service is now being held in church each Sunday. Everyone attending will be asked to provide their details for ‘test and trace’, maintain social distancing, and use hand sanitiser on entry. Communion will only be given as a wafer (gluten free available). All those speaking will not wear a face covering so that lip readers in our congregation can read the lips. Unless you are exempt, you are required to wear a face covering.
Parish Communion 9.30am
Our Parish Communion service is held every Sunday both in church and broadcast via our Facebook page . You do not need a Facebook account to watch.
Everyone attending in church will be asked to provide their details for ‘test and trace’, maintain social distancing, use hand sanitiser on entry. Communion will only be given as a wafer (gluten free available). All those speaking will not wear a face covering so that lip readers in our congregation can read the lips. Unless you are exempt, you are required to wear a face covering. At the moment, the only singing allowed is a soloist.
Family Service 11.15am or 4.15pm
Our Family Service is on the first and third Sundays of the month and is held in church. Everyone attending in church will be asked to provide their details for ‘test and trace’, maintain social distancing, use hand sanitiser on entry. All those speaking will not wear a face covering so that lip readers in our congregation can read the lips. Unless you are exempt (including under 11s), you are required to wear a face covering. At the moment, the only singing allowed is a soloist.
Evening Services
Please check our newsletter or the current services page for the arrangements of the evening services, which will be live streamed via Facebook and may also be in church.
This service is now being held in church each Sunday. Everyone attending will be asked to provide their details for ‘test and trace’, maintain social distancing, and use hand sanitiser on entry. Communion will only be given as a wafer (gluten free available). All those speaking will not wear a face covering so that lip readers in our congregation can read the lips. Unless you are exempt, you are required to wear a face covering.
Parish Communion 9.30am
Our Parish Communion service is held every Sunday both in church and broadcast via our Facebook page . You do not need a Facebook account to watch.
Everyone attending in church will be asked to provide their details for ‘test and trace’, maintain social distancing, use hand sanitiser on entry. Communion will only be given as a wafer (gluten free available). All those speaking will not wear a face covering so that lip readers in our congregation can read the lips. Unless you are exempt, you are required to wear a face covering. At the moment, the only singing allowed is a soloist.
Family Service 11.15am or 4.15pm
Our Family Service is on the first and third Sundays of the month and is held in church. Everyone attending in church will be asked to provide their details for ‘test and trace’, maintain social distancing, use hand sanitiser on entry. All those speaking will not wear a face covering so that lip readers in our congregation can read the lips. Unless you are exempt (including under 11s), you are required to wear a face covering. At the moment, the only singing allowed is a soloist.
Evening Services
Please check our newsletter or the current services page for the arrangements of the evening services, which will be live streamed via Facebook and may also be in church.